
v0.8.8.1 is live!

v0.8.8.1 Dev Notes

Pushed @ 5:45 EST on 10/29/12

Halloween Bundle

We have decided the following solution to the Halloween bundle to allow all players to have the same opportunity.
There will be 3 options to purchase the bundle during the limited time offer.
- Purchase with kreds/$ as is now. You get the 4 cards + LE etching, plus 50 bonus gems.
- Purchase for 100 Gems. You get the 4 cards, regular edition.
- Purchase with 100k Gold. You get the 4 cards, regular edition.
We feel this is a fair solution to all players. Those who purchased gems during the sale, can still acquire it. Free players have a gold option, and further supporters get extra value for their $ with $5 worth of bonus gems and LE etching.


- Price/unlock condition bug was fixed and returned to normal values.

Deck Editor

- Card sizing's/spacing has been adjusted to fit 42 comfortable, shown in a similar proportion to before. A scroll bar will appear when there is more than 42 cards displayed.


- Trick/treat stacking bug has been fixed
- Tutorial flow was smoothed a bit


  1. If I used Kreds before you made the multiple pricing option, do I still get the limited edition etching?

  2. Deck Editor:
    The earlier feature that shows how much card you have of a kind (like "x Creature cards, x Magic cards, x Gear cards") was helpful...
    Can you seti it up again?
