
Patch v0.9.3.4 is Live!

v0.9.3.4 Dev Notes

Pushed @ 3:30 on 4/9/13

Player Satisfaction, Economy and Card Accessibility Overhaul

First of all, we would like to thank our dedicated and extremely committed community to posting ideas and feedback on the latest patch and expressing your concerns and desires for a more accessible game. We have answered, and answered with vigor. A Free-to-play economy is a delicate thing as it can have tremendous consequences on the revenue stream of the game, in positive and negative ways. Effective in this patch is an overhaul to the economy and card accessibility. We must pre-face this with a disclaimer that we are *trying* this to see if it will infact benefit the game across the board, and if it does, we will happily leave it in place or further push the accessibility.
Tiered Card & Pack Pricing
In order to assist new players and veteran players in acquiring and completing older sets, single cards and pack prices now follow a tiered pricing model. These are the Tiers:
Latest (currently RISE):
- Packs of the latest set will now be available for 20 Gems (59 for 3 packs, 179 for 10 packs) and will NOT be available for gold. Rise however will break this formula and have gold packs available for 10,000 Gold with a guaranteed rare.
- Individual cards from this Tier can be bought in the Dynamic Market for Gems. The base price will be 30 Gems for a Rare and 50 Gems for an Epic. They will bottom out at 20 and 25 Gems respectively and cap at 89 and 199 Gems respectively.
- Cards from this tier will show up in the rotating gold singles market priced using the dynamic market algorithm
- Gold single base prices will be 30,000 for a Rare and 50,000 for an Epic. They will bottom out at 20,000 and 25,000 respectively and cap at 89,000 and 199,000 respectively.
2nd Latest (currently EVE):
- Packs of the 2nd most recent set will now be available for 15 Gems (45 for 3 packs, 135 for 10 packs). Gold packs in this tier will be available for 7500 gold with a guaranteed rare.
- Individual cards from this Tier can be bought in the Dynamic Market for Gems. The base price will be 20 Gems for a Rare and 45 Gems for an Epic. They will bottom out at 15 and 25 Gems respectively and cap at 69 and 129 Gems respectively.
- Cards from this tier will show up in the rotating gold singles market priced using the dynamic market algorithm
- Gold single base prices will be 20,000 for a Rare and 45,000 for an Epic. They will bottom out at 15,000 and 35,000 respectively and cap at 69,000 and 129,000 respectively.
Previous (currently no set):
- Any set released before the two most current sets fall into this tier.
- Packs of the previous sets will now be available for 10 Gems (29 for 3 packs, 89 for 10 packs). Gold packs in this tier will be available for 5000 Gold with a guaranteed rare.
- Individual cards from this Tier can be bought in the Dynamic Market for Gems. The base price will be 15 Gems for a Rare and 35 Gems for an Epic. They will bottom out at 10 and 25 Gems respectively and cap at 49 and 99 Gems respectively.
- Cards from this tier will show up in the rotating gold singles market priced using the dynamic market algorithm
- Gold single base prices will be 15,000 for a Rare and 35,000 for an Epic. They will bottom out at 10,000 and 25,000 respectively and cap at 49,000 and 99,000 respectively.
- Core packs will follow the same pricing structure as the previous tier. Core singles will not show up in the rotating gold singles. Core cards in the Dynamic Market will now be Gold only with a base price of 15,000 Gold for a Rare and 35,000 for an Epic and 300,000 for a Legendary. They will bottom out at 10,000 and 25,000 Gold respectively and cap at 49,000 and 99,000 Gold respectively.
Holiday Cards:
- Holiday promo cards will now rotate in the Gold singles market after the bundle has finished. They will be priced at 10,000 Gold for an Uncommon, 30,000 Gold for a rare and 75,000 Gold for an Epic.
- Holiday promo cards will be getting their own page in the Dynamic Market and will be available for 10 Gems for an uncommon, 30 Gems for a rare and 75 Gems for an Epic. These prices will not be adjusted dynamically.
- We are unsure at this point if Holiday cards rotating directly into the market after is ideal, it may be delayed in a future patch
Promo Cards:
- Promo cards will remain as they are on the Promo page with prices set at 5000 Gold or 5 Gems for and Uncommon, 15,000 Gold or 15 Gems for a Rare, 50,000 Gold or 50 Gems for an Epic and 150,000 Gold or 150 Gems for a Legendary.
Gold cost of current heroes has been lowered to 70,000 Gold.
Dynamic Market Prices
Current prices will be clamp to the new max (if the previous was higher)
General Pack Details
- In order to maintain the prestige of epics, since we reduced the price of packs effectively by half, we also reduced the chances of getting an epic by the same amount
- Stones and Essence will only drop in packs purchased with gems
Guild Prices
The cost of starting a guild has been lowered to 25,000 Gold or 25 Gems, from 50,000 Gold and 50 Gems respectively.
Starter Packs
The current starter packs are being removed in this patch. We will be releasing new starter packs in a later patch.

Arsenal Bundles

The first of the Arsenal Bundles will be added to the game with this patch will be available for purchase starting Friday, April 12th at server reset, running for 7 days.
Check this thread for full details: http://forums.kingdomsccg.com/?q=node/3604

New Main Screen

The main screen got an overhaul to fit in the new style of our login/loading screen. All of the same details are accessible here, with a few options moved to the header for convenience and cleanliness. The shop, collection and hero page will now be accessible via the header of the game (top right).
In addition to this, the key game areas will now give you more information as to goals in those areas. Arenas will show how many quests you have left, Guilds will show active wars etc.

(Click to view full size)

Fullscreen and new Flash version

We have upgraded our flash sdk version, which now properly supports full screen. You will now have the option of typing in fullscreen mode! Most players should have already updated to this flash version through various other sites, but if you haven't yet you will be prompted to grab it.
It will require Flash 11.5 or higher, which can be obtained here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/


- Assassin: Melt is now 5 charges, was 4
- Blood Bearer: Melt is now 5 Charges, was 4
- Furycat: From the Ashes is now 6 charges, was 5
- Shadow Ranger: Multishot is now 5 charges, was 4


- Quest slot 5 is now "Play 10 battles with Hero/Alliance" instead of "Win". This was done to still encourage use of other heroes while making it fairly easy to complete for the Gem completion bonus.


- Hero tier sort button removed from deck editor
- 'On attack' animation delay now only appears if the creature has an on attack effect
- Added proper source tracking in code on all cards that imply another source. Ideally, you shouldn't notice any difference ** If you notice any issues with this, please report them **.
- Several Core creatures have had their subtypes changed
- Total hero stars are now counted for heroes that have rotated out
- Stats are now tracked in the rotating arena
- Fixed a bug showing 0 wars on log in
- Hero stars now are retained properly after rotating

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