
The Secret Seven

Hey Kingdoms Fans

Back in January we teased the release of a new mini-set and we are finally ready to reveal all of the new cards!

We are calling these seven cards "The Meta Pack" as they have been specifically designed to help out the Kingdoms in competitive play.

On to the cards!

Regulars of the official forums may recognize this card as I discussed it as a way to give the Holy Kingdom a unique spin on a direct damage spell, of which it is sorely lacking. Here we have a potential 1-mana targeted Lightning Bolt, and as it does physical damage, it laughs at Resist. Of course you do need to work for it. To get the most out of the card you'll need to have a full board - either riding the great Holy weenies, or a mass token generator like Exalted Enforcements or Queen of Dragons, or even the under-rated Sound the Alarm. Will Flurry of Swords be the card that gives Devroth and Belnir the opportunity to shine? Time will tell.

That is a big block of text, but let it sink in for a moment. This is negative status removal for Undead with a big upside. Tired of being Pacified? Sick of stacking Immolate? Release your anger and throw those effects back at your opponent. With the amount of negative status effects swirling around these days - Poison in Alchemy decks, Pacify in Stall decks, Weakness in Wilirus and Immolate in aggressive strategies - Share the Pain has the potential to be main deck worthy and is definitely worth slots in the sideboard.

By decree I declare that your elves will not have Haste, your zombies will not have Reassemble, and that New God you just summoned will arrive naked.

Titan Arbiter does something truly new in Kingdoms, it shuts down abilities on a global scale. Previously we've only had the unplayed Rune Word "Mundane" to help us against the many abilities in the game, but even that card didn't also prevent existing creatures from gaining abilities. Titan Arbiter works great alongside Skullcrusher Giant and Ancient Priestess - cards with powerful effects but no abilities. I'm also sure that Truesworn Titan won't even mind losing Splash if it means Fae Paragon arrives with no flight and Mindshocker becomes an exceptionally expensive Grizzly Bear.

As we all know, two mana creatures and spells and effectively "free". There will never be a turn that you don't have the mana to play them. Hence there are numerous decks that run solely on these cheap cards. But what if those small cards cost 3 or 4? That's the potential of Forge of the Maker. And when combined with Elemental's Mana Denial cards, Forge opens up the opportunity for a true "prison" deck that oppresses opponents while you move forward with your own plans.

The second line is new for gear and has a double edge. No you will not be able to Duplicate this card for fast copies, but you also won't lose the Forge to cards like this:

Oh yes. Why destroy gear when you can just take it? Acquire is gear removal with a particularly Mystical flavour. Inverted Hourglass? Thanks I'll take that. Lava Blade? Sounds like fun. Even a simple Mechana War Banner - better I have it than you, and I'll take the free War Drums effect. In many ways it's a surprise that this card took this long to make, and we expect that it will have an immediate impact.

Sometimes haste decks run into decks with big creatures that aren't easily removed by a Lightning Blast, or that try to slow down your assault with blockers. While small in size, Fireseeker is big in flexibility. Blocker? Just run around it. Scary big creature in another lane? Turn your Fireseeker into a guided missile for 3 damage and take it out. Note that Fireseeker is both a Goblin and an Element to help with Tribal strategies. (*This card is ELEMENTAL* It is being fixed)

Finally, we have a key card for the 2K era - targeted gear removal for everyone.  Sabotage is not a subtle card, but it does what it needs to do effectively. Sabotage also has been designed as the spiritual completion of the Charm cycle from Ascend and Descent, granting Unaligned heroes with a bonus ability of their own.

And there you have it, seven powerful cards that will change the game forever.

The Meta Pack will be releasing very soon, and for the low cost of just $10 USD (100 Kreds) will include *TWO* copies of each of these seven cards. That's 14 cards - over 350 Gems worth at standard promo prices.

The Meta Pack will be available until the end of April, when the cards will be moved to singles section and sold separately for gems.

And that's not all we have in store for our next release. Tune in tomorrow to get all of the details.


NOTE: Due to the delay in preparing this release, this Arena's season will be awarding older promo cards that newer players may have missed. We will be announcing the new promos in tomorrow's post.

1 comment:

  1. Why not give the titan arbiter "On enter, all creatures lose all their abilities"?
